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Harmonized European Standards

Portal for read-only access to national adoptions of specific harmonized European standards for European public access
The purpose of this portal is to make the content of specific harmonized European standards (national adoption) available for European public access. The present access to the standards is granted under applicable legal frameworks. Please note that these frameworks can change and may impact your access.
Standards are protected by copyright CEN and CENELEC Standards documents, their national adoptions and other technical related deliverables and publications are covered and protected by copyright. This also applies to harmonized European standards. The present access to national adoptions of harmonized European standards is granted for direct information of the registered user only and under read-only format, without any right to especially download, print, commercialize, reproduce, make available or distribute the documents in any way whatsoever. We reserve all rights concerning text and data mining. Such access is granted without prejudice to any existing rights of the rightsholders of these documents which are hereby withheld, and to any rules on copyright which limit a third party's right to reproduce or exploit the standards in any way whatsoever. By using the portal you are confirming to have read the above. Read more about copyright from CEN and CENELEC.
What is a harmonized European standard? A harmonized European standard is a European standard developed by a recognized European Standards Organization, and is created following a request from the European Commission for the implementation of the application of European Union harmonization legislation.

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